Tutorial � Rolls, attention

Greg Detre




peripheral/central filter

attention can be set to operate at many different levels

the gain at different levels, depending on how your behaviour is set


Allport � modular organisation of the IP system

each aspect can work independently (with training) but still limited capacity

so highly-skilled activities can be done without interference

some evidence from brain imaging

early: motor cortex (voluntary conscious programming)

late: BG + cerebellum (automatic second nature)


if trying to do two untrained tasks � overlap the attention process

(serial, verbal/language-based process) � can't process two syntax-strings in parallel the single, central channel

if you want to pay attention to a set (e.g. sharp objects or faces) then turn up the gain

e.g. V1 for an area of visual space

so can pay attention for all sorts of different things


after 1000s of trials: you�re no longer dependent on the �central� verbal attentive channel to direct action/motor control